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AKO Armaturen

FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

The German company was founded by Antoine Kopp in 1984 and has been developing and manufacturing hose-type valves since the beginning of its business. Due to the expansion of the company's activities to ensure direct contact with major customers between 1996 and 1998, branches were opened in France and Great Britain. Today, the company has subsidiaries in 30 countries around the world, which allows it to minimize the response time of potential customers and to organize service of its own products in the shortest possible time. Today the company has production facilities in Germany and France and the range of products enlarged by the production of knife gate valves, special stop valves and various accessories for valves. Originally the company specialised in shut-off valves for aggressive media and over the years its products have been applied to the transport of standard media as well. The company's products: valves and gate valves.

AKO Armatouren products 


Hose gate valves

Hose gate valves or pinch valves are commonly used to regulate the flow of aggressive media (highly abrasive or chemically active), emulsions, powders and granular material. Hose gate valves (or pinch valves) are actively used in the control of aggressive media (highly abrasive or chemically active), emulsions, powders and granular materials. The design features of the Hose Valve prevent failures due to clogging or blockage of the valve. The devices are low in weight and overall dimensions, which simplifies the requirements on the installation conditions of the shut-off valve. Depending on the type, the gate valves can be combined with pneumatic or mechanical actuators.


Gate valves

Gate valves (or knife gate valves) are used for the transport of bulk solids and liquids. Gate valves (or knife-edge gate valves) are used in conveyance of bulk and liquid media. Pneumatic cylinders, manual lever or screw mechanisms and electric motors are used as actuators for these gate valves. Depending on the application, the valves are equipped with different seal materials, making them suitable for different media.


Relief valves

Diverting valves in stainless steel or aluminium housings are designed for use as by-pass valves in pumping equipment, pressure control devices or as unloading valves. Pressure diverter valves in stainless steel or aluminium casings are applied for by-passing pumping equipment, pressure control devices or unloading valves in order to avoid overpressure damage in the system. AKO Armaturen products are used in the chemical and plastics industry, building material production and mining, pneumatic conveying and waste water treatment, food industry and many other industries.

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The video above was taken from AKO Armaturen official website/Youtube channel.

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